How To Get Rid of Bacne: 17 Expert-Approved Treatment Tips

Back acne treatments that’ll work year round!
How to Get Rid of Bacne and Back Acne
Gabriella Cetrulo

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If you’re tired of Googling “how to get rid of bacne,” well, you are far from alone. Back acne is annoying at best and painful at worst. Almost everyone's had it at some point, so you're not alone. Get ready to bring on the tank tops and backless dresses, however, because we're prepared to fight back!

But first, some basics.

In this article:

What is bacne and why does it occur?

The most important thing to know is that bacne is not only caused by poor hygiene habits. There are plenty of reasons it can pop up (unfortunately). The Cleveland Clinic defines acne as simply a patch of skin where the pores are clogged. A pimple refers to a single blemish, while acne describes the entire region of the body experiencing the breakout. Here are some common reasons bacne occurs:

Medication usage

According to the Mayo Clinic, some medications, like testosterone or lithium, can encourage body breakouts. It’s best to consult your doctor to determine whether or not this is a potential side effect for you.


Like facial acne, hormones can wreak havoc when it comes to body acne. And similarly, when you’re stressed, your body releases androgens—a hormone that stimulates hair follicles and oil glands, explains the Mayo Clinic.


While each body is completely different, some studies claim that there are foods that are more likely to bring about bacne breakouts. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, foods like white bread, white potatoes, potato chips, doughnuts, or sugary drinks can cause an increase breakouts. Also worth noting: “Findings from small studies suggest that following a low-glycemic diet may reduce the amount of acne you have,” the website shares.

Is bacne different than facial acne?

There are some differences in facial acne and body acne. While they are technically the same—they can present as pimples or red patches on the skin—body acne can be tougher than facial acne as the skin is less delicate on the back. The Cleveland Clinic breaks down the different types of acne: cystic acne, deep pimples and nodules full of puss; hormonal acne, which is caused by an overproduction of sebum and clogged pores; and nodular acne, a severe form of acne and nodular lumps under the skin.

Can you get rid of bacne in a day? How about a week?

How do you get rid of bacne overnight? Well, you really can’t expect that. In short, it’s going to take a bit of time to clear back acne. Like facial acne, there’s no immediate cure or secret to hiding breakouts. A week is a more reasonable timeline, if you take the right steps to caring for your skin (and don’t pop the pimples!). The best outcome is going to come when you create a consistent skincare routine for carefully addressing back acne and keeping the area clean and moisturized.

Back Acne Treatments

We talked to top dermatologists and skin-care experts to find out how to get rid of bacne once and for all. Here, discover 17 expert back acne treatment tips.

1. Exfoliate Regularly (But Gently)

It is safe to exfoliate back acne. "Like the face, one’s upper torso and back have more sebaceous (oil-producing) glands than any other area of the body, which means it produces more of the skin’s natural oil, increasing the likelihood of developing body acne in these areas. Exfoliating regularly is also important since the skin cells on your back may not come off as efficiently as needed. Not to mention, that pile-up can also aggravate acne," says Doris Day, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. Try Carbon Theory Charcoal & Tea Tree Oil Breakout Control Exfoliating Body Bar, ($13).

Image may contain: Cosmetics

Carbon Theory Charcoal & Tea Tree Oil Exfoliating Body Soap Bar

2. Wear Clothing That Breathes

"Any skin irritation (like sweat) can exacerbate outbreaks. It's important to avoid tight clothing to minimize friction, especially when sweating. Certain materials, like those that absorb sweat from the skin, will also reduce irritation. Lighter colors and cotton are ideal, especially during workouts," says Day.

3. Spot-Treat Bacne

Spot treatments and masks aren't just for your face — they can also be a targeted way to tackle bacne breakouts. New York-based cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green recommends using a spot treatment with ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. You can also use spot treatments that you would typically use on your face on your body as a back acne treatment. La Roche-Posay's Effaclar Adapalene Gel, ($31) is a great option if you have cystic bacne. And get this, you can use it as a spot-treat or moisturize the entire area. If you’re having trouble applying the product on your own and don’t have a friend around that can help, Dr. Green has a solution. “Invest in a lotion applicator for the back to ensure the product reaches the problem areas.”

Effaclar Adapalene Gel

4. Use an Acne Spray That Hits Your Entire Back

Getting acne medication on your back can be tricky, but this simple spray can propel its treatment from any angle so you can get wider coverage. Try Versed Back-Up Plan Acne-Control Body Mist, ($15).

Versed Back-Up Plan Acne-Control Body Mist

5. Try Cleansing Pads

Even when you think you’ve gotten your body squeaky clean, one swipe of these cleansing pads can reveal trapped dirt and oil. The discs are saturated with salicylic acid, so they fight breakouts while cleansing. Have trouble reaching certain spots? Get a pal to help you rub them on your back!

6. Shower Right After Working Out

One of the reasons bacne happens is because we're busy being awesome and healthy while working up a sweat! "Showering after exercise or after spending the day outside on a hot summer day is important in preventing back acne from flaring up," explains Dr. Green. “Allowing the sweat and dirt to build up on the skin and inside of the clothes will lead to build-up of bacteria and acne breakout.”

Shower right after exercising to help remove sweat that may be irritating the skin and causing clogged pores on your back that lead to bacne. Suppose you can’t get to a shower right after an intense workout session. In that case, Dr. Green also recommends planning ahead and walking with a change of clothes and some oil-free cleansing wipes to handle the situation until you can do your usual routine.

7. Use Specially Formulated Cleansers

Take advantage of cleansers made specifically to fight bacne, like Truly's Cherry Jelly Anti-Bacne Body Cleanser, ($30). Another option is to use a benzoyl peroxide–laced wash, like Mario Badescu Body Breakout Kit, ($22). The duo of clarifying ingredients like Camphor and Ginseng extract deep clean troubled areas to reduce redness, soothes inflammation, and unclogs your pores.

If body washes are more your style, try Skinfix 2% BHA Cleanser, ($35). As the name suggests, this cleanser deposits salicylic acid, azelaic acid, glycolic acid and niacinamide wherever you need it most, leaving you feeling ultra-clean as it helps you fight acne all over your body. If you're still not seeing results with OTC products, ask your dermatologist about prescription-strength washes to help manage your bacne problem.

Skinfix Acne+ 2% BHA Cleanser

Mario Badescu Body Breakout Kit

Cherry Jelly Anti-Bacne Body Cleanser

8. Use a Cleansing Brush

When you’re looking up how to get rid of back acne, one of the most obvious ways is a good wash. However, scrubbing your back seems impossible until you try Clarisonic’s body brush — it deep cleans even tough skin around your upper shoulders. The extending handle allows you to get to hard-to-reach areas quickly.

9. Don't Let Shampoo and Conditioner Sit on Your Back

Sometimes some of the blame for bacne lies with how we wash our hair. When shampoo or conditioner-coated hair sits directly on our backs, it seeps into the skin, which can be a significant cause of back and body acne. So the answer to getting rid of bacne might be as simple as clipping your hair up if you're letting a conditioner sit in it for a bit. Or rinse out your shampoo in a way that doesn't let the suds sit on your back. It's also essential to keep it off your back after the shower. Freshly conditioned hair can irritate sensitive, acne-prone skin even after you've rinsed.

10. Don't Pick at Zits on Your Back

As with regular acne, avoid picking any bacne or body acne, and just like with your face, picking acne on your body can spread bacteria and cause more pimples, as well as lead to scarring (and, trust us, no one wants to deal with that).

11. Wash Your Sheets and Workout Gear on the Regular

Sheets and recycled workout gear can be a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria. Make sure to wash your sheets frequently and avoid the temptation to re-wear your sports bra or tank for more than one sweat sesh. Drop your workout gear in the hamper after every session and sanitize your gear – whether at a home gym or a local one – to ensure you’re starting with a clean surface every time. Your back will thank you!

12. Treat Yourself to a Back Facial

"Back facials" differ depending on the location in which you receive the facial, such as a dermatology office or a MedSpa.," says Dr. Green. "Back facials generally consist of cleansing, exfoliating, hydrating, and any additional steps customized for the individual, such as extractions and applying a mask.." Unlike a DIY treatment, a back facial with a licensed esthetician will deep-clean clogged pores, rejuvenate the skin, and give a powerful, professional-strength exfoliation to boost your results of home care and help you get rid of bacne.

13. Treat Acne From the Inside Out

"Back acne is a real challenge to treat," says New York City-based board-certified dermatologist Dendy Engelman. For one thing, "the thickness of the dermis on the back is the thickest anywhere on the body, so the penetration of products that you apply topically can only do so much," she says. If you have been following our previous steps for treating bacne, and you’re still not seeing improvement, you might want to consult a derm who can prescribe oral antibiotics — and, in even more severe cases, Accutane. "Some cases of back acne, particularly those with extreme cystic acne, may find that antibiotics are more powerful and may be needed to avoid long-term scarring," adds Renée.

14. Incorporate Probiotics Into Your Skin-Care Routine and Diet

Whether you add fermented foods (which are naturally rich in probiotics) like kimchi, miso, yogurt, and kefir, or take a daily supplement, probiotics can boost the health of the skin's microbiome. "Taking an oral probiotic daily really does help not only to reset the gastrointestinal flora, but can actually help the skin flora as well," says Engelman. Luckily, probiotic supplements are readily available at your local drugstore at a variety of price points.

15. Opt for Oil-Free Sunscreen

One of the solutions for how to get rid of back acne is opting for a sunscreen for acne-prone skin. Whenever you choose sunscreen, look for one that says it's "non-comedogenic." That means the sunscreen is oil-free and specifically formulated not to block pores. With oil-free sunscreen, you can stay safe in the sun without worrying about a bad back breakout.

16. Pop On A Pimple Patch

Next on our list of advice for getting rid of back acne is a straightforward solution: pop on a pimple patch – or get a friend or roomie to handle the hard work for you! When we say “pimple patch,” you probably imagine something cute and tiny. However, pimple patches for body acne (like bacne!) exist. If you have a good track record with pimple patches, consider them when you’re trying to fix your back acne. At almost three inches wide, these patches are big enough to cover your back acne flare-ups.

17. Stop Popping Pimples

We know it’s satisfying to pop a pesky pimple. It’s gross as heck, but there’s something about it that keeps us at it. While it’s hard to pop your back pimples on your own, don’t let anyone do it. Not even your really excited friend who loves pimple-popping videos on YouTube or Tiktok. Why? Because popping pimples can make things way worse. “Picking at pimples can also lead to permanent scarring,” Dr. Green explains. “ It can be especially damaging to those with cystic acne because cysts form below the surface layer of the skin, making it impossible to extract the cyst by popping it manually.”

Do I need medication for bacne?

We’re about to dig more into the things you can do to get rid of bacne, but this is often a question that comes up. In some cases, when bacne is deeply uncomfortable and severe, a dermatologist can prescribe medication or a specific bacne treatment to help clear up breakouts and provide relief. The best thing to do is schedule a dermatologist visit if you find that your bacne is causing enough pain to impact your daily life.

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