Social Claws Luminaura Powder Creates Color-Changing Nail Art

Minds. Blown.
This image may contain Human Person Manicure and Nail
Courtesy of Instagram/@fleuryrosenails, @tenlittlecanvases

There comes a certain point when new nail art trends cease to surprise us. After encountering almost every manicure imaginable — from the cool (diamonds, sunglass-effect, and chrome) to the slightly weird (gummy bears, live flowers, and fake blood) — we’re starting to reach mani fatigue. But, when a product manages to set itself apart, we still take note. And when we spotted the soon-to-be-released Social Claws Luminaura Powder on Instagram, we were instantly sold.

If you’ve seen chrome manicures in action, you’re familiar with the process: a metallic powder gets buffed into the nail, transforming from loose particles to a reflective, mirror-bright surface. Judging by what we’ve seen, the Luminaura Powder works similarly — only instead of chrome nails, it creates a color-shifting crystal effect that’s bound to blow your mind. The shade completely transforms when smoothed over different bases, so just like a liquid topcoat, there’s no limit to how many looks you can create. Scroll down to see it in action below!

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Photos Courtesy of Instagram/@fleuryrosenails, @tenlittlecanvases.

Related: How to Do the EASIEST Marble Nail Art